Friday, August 23, 2024

Home Safely

Neil's Amsterdam flight touched down in Minneapolis around 11:45 a.m. yesterday. He helped the young woman from Rwanda, who was seated next to him, through customs. She was a new international student enrolling at a college in New England, and she was understandably frightened and confused by airports. After waiting for Neil's plane to land, our friend Scott Crump drove to meet Neil from his home in Hudson, WI. He had circled the drive in the pickup area once when Neil made it through the airport. Scott returned to his house with Neil, where Neil's 4-Runner had been parked, and Neil was on the road. 

Neil's two legs of his return flight were uneventful, arriving at his destinations ahead of schedule. In the 34 hours since leaving Nairobi, Neil had slept only 2 hours on the planes. Neil phoned me when his flight landed in Minneapolis and again as he headed out of the Twin Cities traffic. We talked until he pulled over at Nelson Brother's truck stop near Clearwater. 

Although his body screamed for sleep, Neil remained awake while driving home. On my phone's tracker, watching the little vehicle icon still making steady progress toward home was reassuring. Neil pulled into our driveway at 5:38 p.m. 

When he stepped out of his 4-Runner, he looked like "death warmed over" and took a much-needed nap. He insisted I wake him in an hour so he could take me out to dinner. He has so many amazing stories to share, which I will begin to hear today as he takes me through his photos. His plan was to start sharing the stories during our dinner date, but we saw a recently widowed friend sitting alone as we walked into Old Number 1. We were just going to say, "Hi," before finding our table, but she offered us seats. She was about to leave, having just finished her meal, but said we could use her table. We were soon wrapped up in conversation, and after an hour, the three of us left together. 

Neil apologized for not reserving that time for us, but I don't mind. Ever since we bought our house in Morris, the whole world has been our family. In 1983, we filled our home with people coming off drugs and alcohol or ex-cons from prison. Later, we filled it with students, some domestic and some international. It is just the two of us now. We have space at home to rest and capacity for visiting as we leave our door. 

Neil slept soundly through the night, and I was the only early bird this morning. May your homes be filled with the peace and joy of God's presence. Thank you again for your prayers and for the prayer requests you sent us. We enjoy being able to return the favor.


Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Neil Anointing Pastors During Ordination Service

On Sunday, an extraordinary part of Neil's trip was participating in the ordination of several of the pastors he has worked with in the Kisii District since 2004 and some of the pastors he has recently visited in other parts of Kenya. Cosmas Solamba is an excellent leader of the Riverside Ministries churches. He teaches them through his annual week-long conferences and visits their churches when he can. Cosmas thanked Neil for being his friend and coworker for nearly 20 years. 

On Monday, August 19, Neil rested after almost three weeks of ministry in Kenya. An answered prayer is a two-week postponement of the airport workers' strike as they work together with the government toward a mutually satisfactory resolution of their disputes. Their 7-day strike would otherwise have begun yesterday, possibly delaying Neil's flight home.

Ruth is working with the international funds transfer company to reactivate her account. Their customer support team has been understanding, especially when they discovered that Ruth had yet to receive their July email requesting annual documentation for a continuation of her account. International bank transfer companies need to satisfy the banking regulations in over 100 nations they serve globally. They assist families and friends in providing financial support for struggling relatives back home. Ruth thanked them for their vital work in helping genuinely needy families, reassuring them she fully appreciated their efforts.

Although Ruth responded quickly to the customer support team's email on Monday, it may take them one or two more days to review her documents. Ruth has been unable to send Neil even a penny for his trip home. Neil's Nairobi friends will ensure he flies on schedule, but reactivation of the international transfer account is needed to continue supporting our Kenyan friends. Your prayers are much appreciated. God knows how to iron out this considerable wrinkle without scorching the fabric. 

On Tuesday, Neil traveled across Nairobi to spend time with Joe and Karin Medley. They will bring him to the airport. His flight departs around midnight on Wednesday night. Neil used Zoom from Joe's flat so Ruth could visit with the Medleys in a video call. They updated Ruth on their lives and ministry in Nairobi. Joe said this has been an exceptionally productive year for all on their ministry team, with many trips across Kenya, even to remote villages. One member of their team also travels to other African nations. Joe made a trip to Mombasa while Neil was there, and Karin will be traveling there tomorrow. Joe asked for prayer for Karin for both safety and effectiveness. The women there need encouragement. 

Thank you again for your prayers. We have seen so many prayers answered on this trip, and many of them almost instantly.

Prayer Requests:

  • Praise God for the pastors ordained at the conference and for the Holy Spirit to continue teaching and guiding them as He empowers them for ministry.
  • Pray for Karin Medley's trip to Mombasa on Wednesday to encourage women there. Pray for safe travel and the anointing of the Holy Spirit to give them strength and greater empowerment for service.
  • Thank God for postponing the air workers' strike and for wisdom for the union and the Kenyan government as they work together to resolve issues mutually satisfactorily.
  • Pray for healing for our Kenyan friend Esther, who attended the conference and needs immediate medical help for advanced stages of HIV/AIDS. 
  • Pray that the international funds transfer company restores Ruth's account to continue to support our friends in Kenya.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Open the Flood Gates of Heaven


Neil Preaching as Francis Interprets

The image above captures Neil and Francis, who, after two days of overcoming numerous challenges to keep the van running and driving through the night, arrived in Nairobi at 5:00 a.m. on Wednesday. Despite their exhaustion from the journey, they got a three-hour nap before beginning their teaching duties. Their resilience and determination are admirable, and a testimony of their commitment. 

The final day of Cosmas Solamba's conference is coming to a close in Kenya. Neil taught in the mornings aided by Francis' amazing translating skills. After Neil's Thursday morning teaching session, he invited people forward to encourage them in prayer. Eight people were baptized in the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongues. 

A married couple on the slate of conference teachers is from Northern Minnesota. They are in Dan and Vicki Eastvold's church and were part of a construction team that accompanied the Eastvolds to work on Cosmas' new church and attended the conference last summer. The husband is a husky fellow who dresses in bib overalls, helping Neil feel at home in his jeans and T-shirt. The Kenyans wear dress shirts and suits. In one of Neil's teachings, he spoke about the danger of wanting to play the Big Man to impress others. Jesus taught that to be great in God's kingdom, you must be the servant of all. Jesus modeled a shepherd relating to his sheep heart-to-heart, warning against giving preferencial seats to those dressed in fine clothes.

Although Ruth is unable to accompany Neil to Kenya because of her allergies to smoke, dust, and diesel, she is the home correspondent and administers the humanitarian work, helping to support destitute families, widows, and orphans. Monthly support is sent to the caregivers of the children supported through ROCK (Reach Out to the Children of Kenya) and for the food shelf distributing grain through the churches for HIV/AIDS sufferers. More support for the food shelf is needed, because food is scarce this year. The first crop was destroyed by floods, and the second by drought. Added to that is runaway inflation seriously decreasing buying power especially in remote villages.

A financial problem surfaced at home on Thursday. In the morning Bremer Bank, where the Outfitters for Adventure accounts are held, had their online banking go down. Ruth needed to send funds to the pastors from the Kisii District for their return bus fare from the conference. When the online banking was restored in the afternoon, Ruth tried sending the international transfer of funds to Kenya, but the transfer service she uses, World Remit, had discontinued her account. Throughout the night Ruth continued trying to log in, made phone calls, and sent chat messages and emails to their customer service reps. Still unable to resolve the issue, Ruth finally went to bed at 4:00 a.m. Friday morning.

At 6:00 a.m., Ruth began trying other companies. She tried PayPal, XE, and MoneyGram because each transfers the funds directly into the recipient's MPESA account for personal banking on their phone. MPESA is a form of digital banking similar to a debit card. Kenyans were encouraged to all get phones and do their banking that way when COVID hit so they wouldn't be handling paper money. Now it is Saturday, and each company has disabled my accounts. I think you all would vouch for Ruth that she is not a terrorist, nor is Outfitters for Adventure funding terrorism in any form. Quite the opposite. With the financial gifts from many of you, Outfitters has been helping provide food, clothing, health care, education, and housing for the desperately poor. But it may not be that Ruth is black-listed for suspicion of being dangerous or a fraud. It may have something to do with the changes in global banking. 

While Ruth was working feverishly, trying to find a way to send money abroad, one of our investment counselors called to offer changes to gold or silver. When Ruth mentioned the troubles she was having and that she had suspicions that it might be related to the changes in banking in the news, he said that yesterday was the day that most US banks switched to digital banking. Having been a college registrar, Ruth remembered what hiccups can be expected with major computer system overhauls. The digital currency turnover is the world's largest computer upheaval. Do you remember the impact of the upgraded security in large computer systems software 2 weeks ago that shut down the airlines for a day or more? For the banks' digital currency computer systems rollout, they most likely prioritized live in-person service at the teller's counters to address any glitches that appeared. The next priority would be their online services. Last would be banking interfaces with companies providing money transfers, especially overseas, which are considered peripherals. Their low fees directly compete with the banks' more lucrative funds transfers. Two years ago, pressure was brought on world governments to regulate these intermediary companies providing lower-cost fund transfers. But if we lose access to sending funds to individual MPESA accounts, we are back to square one in getting financial help to the poor in Kenya. So --- this is another God-sized problem and cause for serious prayer. 

However, Neil had an encouraging report on his return trip. Although the air workers union will continue to strike in Nairobi, the Kenyan government has announced it will keep the airport open and will not have massive flight cancellations. The union has agreed to work toward a peaceful settlement and allow the airport to remain open. 

Neil has enjoyed his stay at Cosmas Solamba's guest house, where a gourmet-level chef prepares their meals. Neil has been washing clothes and hanging them out to dry as his thoughts turn toward home. Yesterday, he was inadvertently locked into the house until someone came to rescue him. Today he made sure the key was left in his care. 

Prayer Requests:
  • Open the gates of heaven to strengthen and encourage the conference attendees as they head home.
  • Thank God for the government and striking airport workers' agreement. May their strike be peaceful as they strive to keep the airport open. May their settlement talks come to an agreement suitable for both sides.
  • Ask God to help the funds transfer companies restore all of their functionality so financial assistance can continue to flow to those in desperate need.
  • Restore Ruth's rest as she lays down the burden of funds transfers and entrusts the solution to God. Open the gates of heaven to supply those in need.
  • Allow Neil to rest and enjoy fellowship with friends these last few days in Kenya. Please be with Neil as he travels on Thursday.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Riverside Ministries Conference


Esther, Eunice, Hellen, Mary & Neil at Conference

The conference is live on YouTube. You can turn down your computer volume during the worship. Using the slider locater, at 1:15:00, a 7-year-old girl is dancing next to Neil. Neil's teaching begins at 1:23:35. Neil looks like he is hiding behind the post until the cameraman finds him. Neil laid the mic down so folks would only need to listen to Francis' voice until someone asked Neil to use the mic for the English listeners on YouTube.

Just past midnight Tuesday night (Kenya time), Neil texted at a stop along the main highway from Mombasa to Nairobi:

Neil: We are having fries and tea at a bus and mutata stop. This place is booming. After four hours of driving, I met only one car approaching fully in my lane. Now I can say I have driven the Mombasa road at night.

Ruth: I am thankful you were awake enough to avoid a head-on collision. My sister Jeannie says you seem to have divine intervention when all seems lost.

Your friends from the Kisii District will be so happy to see you. They arrived on time at the conference on Monday looking for you. Having the van running rather than using public transportation to get around Nairobi is nice for you and Francis. How many passengers are in your van?

Neil: Besides Francis and me, there are two men, two women, and a baby. We still have five hours to go. 

Francis took over the driving as they approached Nairobi. They got 3 hours to sleep at Cosmas' guest house and then joined the conference. Neil texted:

Esther, who was almost dying from HIV in April, looks great. Eunice, the pastor whose church on the Ugandan island is getting a new roof and whose daughter is now supported on ROCK, looks happy. James, whose church is also getting a new roof, arrived this morning. George is one of the leaders. He is a happy man.

For lunch, Shawn, Janet, and I went to the house where a friend cooked a 5-star meal. Shawn and Janet are from Dan & Vicki Eastvold's church in Minnesota. 

Neil got to sleep around 9:00 p.m. Kenya time. Our concern now is how to get Neil home. The 7-day airport workers union strike is still planned to begin on Monday. Neil's return flight is scheduled for next Thursday, during the strike. Also, the riots have continued partly due to the strikers' concerns.

Prayer Requests

  • Thank God for Neil and Francis making it safely to Nairobi.
  • Thank God for Neil's friends making it to the conference.
  • Ask strength for Neil and Francis to teach at the conference through Friday.
  • Ask God to preserve Kenyan airline workers' jobs.
  • Ask God to provide a flight home for Neil before a strike. 
  • Ask the Prince of Peace to help those on both sides of the riots to dialogue and work together to resolve their issues.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Send the Ravens


Roadside Service, Kenya-Style

Have you ever wondered if God hears your prayers? Maybe sometimes, just sometimes, God allows us to reach the end of ourselves -- allows us to feel abandoned -- just long enough to actually find ourselves along the side of a busy highway in Kenya -- 2 days behind schedule -- after all efforts have failed -- to experience what we know can only be a miracle!

Neil and Francis have had a 2-day ordeal with the van. Neil was supposed to begin teaching on Monday at Cosmas Solamba's Riverside Ministries national pastors conference in Nairobi. Now it is Tuesday night, and they were still stranded not far from Mombasa on Kenya's east coast, almost 8 hours from Nairobi.

Cosmas shipped them a replacement alternator for his van on a bus from Nairobi on Monday, but after it was installed the van made it only another 10 miles.

When I posted this morning, Francis had gone in search of an alternative alternator, leaving Neil, along with other members of their party, in the van on a very hot day. Ruth texted Neil at noon asking if Francis had any success. Here is the "rest of the story."

Neil texted Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. Kenya-time (Tuesday noon Minnesota-time):

Francis got back here around 6:00 with an alternator but alas, the mechanic bailed on him so it is 8:00 and here we sit. The windows are down and there is no battery. We have a young lady, a lady with an infant and two pastors in the van. 

Ruth responded: 

"Lord, send the ravens!"

Immediately, Neil texted, 

"A mechanic just arrived! This guy knows what he is doing. Bam, bam! Done! And we are on the road again. I am going to drive the first 2 hours."

Ruth texted: 

"Wonderful! Was he an angel?"

Someone asked Neil recently what long-suffering is. Neil said long-suffering is just a little longer than we think we need to suffer to learn patience.

Prayer Requests:

  • Thank and praise God for providing the working alternator and awesome mechanic.
  • Safe travel to Nairobi.
  • Strength for Neil to teach and Francis to interpret at the conference.

Prayers For Van

Roadside repairs in Kenya

Neil is supposed to be teaching at a conference in Nairobi, about 7.5 hours from where they are stranded.

This will be short. Neil needs prayer today:

At 2:00 Monday afternoon (Kenya time), Neil and Francis were getting an unexpected day of rest in Kaloleni waiting for an alternator for the van to arrive from Nairobi by bus. The alternator arrived and they got the van running. 

At 2:00 Tuesday afternoon (Kenya time), Neil called. The newly installed used alternator kept the van running for only about 10 miles. A motorcyclist gave him a ride to the train station, but the trains and buses are full. Francis is now locating a new alternator. Neil sounded concerned, but at peace. He doesn't want us to worry.

Prayer Request:

  • For a new alternator to be found and installed.
  • Safe travel to Nairobi today by whatever mode of transportation.
  • Strength, peace, and the joy that comes with the awareness of God's presence.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Our Daily Bread


Neil enjoying a meal with friends

Friday Neil sent a text, "My lips are burning, my nose is running away, and I'm sweating." 

Ruth immediately assumed his head cold had morphed into full blown pneumonia with no hospital nearby. She texted Neil, "We command this spirit of infirmity to leave Neil now, in Jesus' name!"

Neil responded, "They picked peppers and I shredded one into my beans and cabbage which was a half inch long and an eighth inch wide. Hooowee! It is even burning inside my nose from the fumes. I am laughing my head off (at my reaction). 🤣

"Since the word is out that I do not eat ugali, I have enjoyed eating better. Now we are going home to take a nap. We have a service tonight.  

"Riots Thursday were minimal. Friday we head for Mombasa. I guess we are less than an hour out. My health is somewhat better. Throat is less sore.  Saturday marks the halfway point of this trip.  I don't want to wish time away when my candle is already short, but I do enjoy my house and I love being with you! Every morning a bright yellow bird the size of a cat bird comes to my window and sings. It has a black mask. What a blessing!"

Neil, Francis, and Elvis crossed the river to Mombasa in their van on a ferry. Elvis who oversees the churches in the Mombasa area brought Neil to teach in 3 churches within Mombasa, which is the largest seaport in Kenya. One of the churches had an awesome worship team. Their girl drummer played the rim and shell with a stick while beating the skin of the drum with her other hand all in a syncopated rhythm to the glory of God. 

At the 3rd church they encountered demonic activity. A mother had been teaching her children to call on demons. Elvis, Francis, and Neil commanded the demons to leave and then explained how to carry on spiritual warfare with the Word of God, fasting, and by telling the demons to leave in Jesus' name. They spent extra time with that church, so it was dark by the time they headed back to Kaloleni. Neil asked for prayer, because they were driving through highway construction in the dark. Although that return trip was harrowing at times, they made it safely.

"I took some Cipro and my coughing has pretty much stopped. Last night I was coughing incessantly. This morning I washed clothes. Francis pointed out where dirt remained on the pant legs. 🥴 

"We had a teaching session at church this morning. I just finished a wonderful nap and a coconut of juice with the meat. It is a fantastic evening. About 75 degrees, sunshine.

Sunday morning Neil texted: 

"We are out of the rain waiting for dinner. Elvis's friend from Katali has been with us. He is a quiet wise man. During a post service meeting with the pastors, he gave the most insightful pitch for our book. I want him to pitch the book at the conference in Nairobi. (Neil brought 2 suitcases of our Navigating Life book on mentoring to give to pastors.) 

"When the meeting ended,  Francis ran to get books for the pastors. Elvis, the Kaloleni pastor, does not speak English. Some of the pastors want to know if we can get our book translated into Swahili. I had been under the impression that they were all going to the conference next week. Even Elvis is not going.

"Francis backed into a tree. Back window blew out and there is a nice round dent in the back door. It cast a bit of a pall on our day. The vehicle is drivable so no problem. Cosmas (owner of the van) laughed when we called to confess. We leave at 5:30 in the morning for Nairobi. There are 6 of us (so 4 pastors are joining them). I am hoping to get a nap before the meeting tomorrow."

Monday morning (10:00 p.m. Sunday our time) Neil and Francis were hoping to get off to an early start on their return trip to Nairobi for the week long conference where Neil will take part in the teaching. However, the battery cables had been loose, so the van didn't start right away. They got the van running.

Neil called from Kaloleni at 2:00 p.m. Kenya time (6:00 a.m. Monday morning our time). He is getting an unexpected day of rest. The van didn't keep running. Thankfully they were still close enough to get back to the house where they have been staying in Kaloleni. Cosmas is sending an alternator on the bus from Nairobi for them to install in the van. 

Neil texted: "We are back at the house. Alternator is fried. Parts are in Mombasa. If we get out of here by 3:00 p.m. (7:00 a.m. Monday our time), we will be doing great. Indeed, I am the most patient man in the world."

Prayer Needs:

  • Alternator arrives safely and the van gets them to Nairobi.
  • Penina is 16 yrs old. Her family impoverished themselves so she could have a breast removed due to cancer. So she has no $ for school fees.
  • Mary (the girl who just was added to ROCK support) needs $ for school uniform and books.
  • Thank God for the rain!
  • Thank God for Neil's healing!
  • Safe travels to Nairobi.
  • Holy Spirit to anoint the teachers at the conference.