Sunday, August 11, 2024

Our Daily Bread


Neil enjoying a meal with friends

Friday Neil sent a text, "My lips are burning, my nose is running away, and I'm sweating." 

Ruth immediately assumed his head cold had morphed into full blown pneumonia with no hospital nearby. She texted Neil, "We command this spirit of infirmity to leave Neil now, in Jesus' name!"

Neil responded, "They picked peppers and I shredded one into my beans and cabbage which was a half inch long and an eighth inch wide. Hooowee! It is even burning inside my nose from the fumes. I am laughing my head off (at my reaction). 🤣

"Since the word is out that I do not eat ugali, I have enjoyed eating better. Now we are going home to take a nap. We have a service tonight.  

"Riots Thursday were minimal. Friday we head for Mombasa. I guess we are less than an hour out. My health is somewhat better. Throat is less sore.  Saturday marks the halfway point of this trip.  I don't want to wish time away when my candle is already short, but I do enjoy my house and I love being with you! Every morning a bright yellow bird the size of a cat bird comes to my window and sings. It has a black mask. What a blessing!"

Neil, Francis, and Elvis crossed the river to Mombasa in their van on a ferry. Elvis who oversees the churches in the Mombasa area brought Neil to teach in 3 churches within Mombasa, which is the largest seaport in Kenya. One of the churches had an awesome worship team. Their girl drummer played the rim and shell with a stick while beating the skin of the drum with her other hand all in a syncopated rhythm to the glory of God. 

At the 3rd church they encountered demonic activity. A mother had been teaching her children to call on demons. Elvis, Francis, and Neil commanded the demons to leave and then explained how to carry on spiritual warfare with the Word of God, fasting, and by telling the demons to leave in Jesus' name. They spent extra time with that church, so it was dark by the time they headed back to Kaloleni. Neil asked for prayer, because they were driving through highway construction in the dark. Although that return trip was harrowing at times, they made it safely.

"I took some Cipro and my coughing has pretty much stopped. Last night I was coughing incessantly. This morning I washed clothes. Francis pointed out where dirt remained on the pant legs. 🥴 

"We had a teaching session at church this morning. I just finished a wonderful nap and a coconut of juice with the meat. It is a fantastic evening. About 75 degrees, sunshine.

Sunday morning Neil texted: 

"We are out of the rain waiting for dinner. Elvis's friend from Katali has been with us. He is a quiet wise man. During a post service meeting with the pastors, he gave the most insightful pitch for our book. I want him to pitch the book at the conference in Nairobi. (Neil brought 2 suitcases of our Navigating Life book on mentoring to give to pastors.) 

"When the meeting ended,  Francis ran to get books for the pastors. Elvis, the Kaloleni pastor, does not speak English. Some of the pastors want to know if we can get our book translated into Swahili. I had been under the impression that they were all going to the conference next week. Even Elvis is not going.

"Francis backed into a tree. Back window blew out and there is a nice round dent in the back door. It cast a bit of a pall on our day. The vehicle is drivable so no problem. Cosmas (owner of the van) laughed when we called to confess. We leave at 5:30 in the morning for Nairobi. There are 6 of us (so 4 pastors are joining them). I am hoping to get a nap before the meeting tomorrow."

Monday morning (10:00 p.m. Sunday our time) Neil and Francis were hoping to get off to an early start on their return trip to Nairobi for the week long conference where Neil will take part in the teaching. However, the battery cables had been loose, so the van didn't start right away. They got the van running.

Neil called from Kaloleni at 2:00 p.m. Kenya time (6:00 a.m. Monday morning our time). He is getting an unexpected day of rest. The van didn't keep running. Thankfully they were still close enough to get back to the house where they have been staying in Kaloleni. Cosmas is sending an alternator on the bus from Nairobi for them to install in the van. 

Neil texted: "We are back at the house. Alternator is fried. Parts are in Mombasa. If we get out of here by 3:00 p.m. (7:00 a.m. Monday our time), we will be doing great. Indeed, I am the most patient man in the world."

Prayer Needs:

  • Alternator arrives safely and the van gets them to Nairobi.
  • Penina is 16 yrs old. Her family impoverished themselves so she could have a breast removed due to cancer. So she has no $ for school fees.
  • Mary (the girl who just was added to ROCK support) needs $ for school uniform and books.
  • Thank God for the rain!
  • Thank God for Neil's healing!
  • Safe travels to Nairobi.
  • Holy Spirit to anoint the teachers at the conference.