Wednesday, August 7, 2024

From Birth I Have Relied On You

Psalm 71:6
From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you.

The pastor Neil mentioned yesterday, Elvis, is the regional overseer for the Riverside Ministries churches in the Mombasa area. After preaching in another of Elvis' churches this morning, Neil asked those who had never prayed to receive Jesus, if they would like to give their lives to him. Over 20 people came forward to dedicate their lives to serving Jesus. 

Moses is the pastor of the church in today's village. Neil was invited to Moses' home this morning, where his wife gave birth while Neil was preaching. Their baby had just come directly from the womb and was handed to Neil for a blessing even before the mother had a chance to wash it. Although Neil was trained to deliver babies in law enforcement, he has never been that close to a newborn in the moments immediately following birth. What a miracle new life truly is! Moses and his wife live in abject poverty, but they experience joy when they welcome their children into the world. They understand the need to rely on the Heavenly Father from birth. Outfitters for Adventure will supply them with funds to replace their roof. Francis encircled the hole in the roof in red in the photo below:

When they returned to the house where they are staying, Neil's scratchy throat had turned into a full-blown head cold. While Neil was on the phone, I heard Neil requesting hot tea and a blanket from Francis. Our prayer for rain has begun to be answered, but the cooler temperature at night without a blanket may have caused the head cold. Neil went to bed early today.

Prayer Requests:
  • Financial supply for Moses and his family
  • Health and strength for their new baby
  • Moses' roof replacement
  • Neil's health & energy to be restored
  • Peace in Kenya - Youth are calling for the "mother of all protests" to happen tomorrow in Kenya. Although the president and his chief rival have agreed to work together to restore peace and form a coalition government, the youth feel disenfranchised and continue the protests increasingly fomenting unrest. They need Jesus, the Prince of Peace to be at work among them.