Thursday, August 1, 2024

Run With Perseverance

Hebrews 12:1-3 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

My sister, Jeannie, saw the video clip on WCCO's evening news of the truck driver going the wrong way on I94 Tuesday afternoon that almost ended Neil's life. Her email response to my "Brush With Death" post was:

Oh, my! I saw that wrong-way vehicle on the news and felt so blessed that it didn't happen as I came down that stretch of interstate! How scary to have that happen, and how wonderful that Neil was safe!
I have seriously reflected in the last 24 hours, asking God what that was all about? Neil is tenacious in his perseverance. Several years ago, our friend Ove Lackell asked me for the secret of a good marriage. I said it is like a dog with a bone. Ove laughed at me, saying he expected me to mention the secret of keeping romance alive. Then I described a dog threatened by other dogs wanting his bone. He bites down harder, puts his paw on the bone, and lets out a threatening growl, warning the other dogs to keep their distance from his prize. For almost 45 years now, I have benefitted from the safety I have enjoyed from Neil's tenacious protection of our marriage.

Neil perseveres in relationships long after others try to walk away. Neil follows up with texts, emails, visits, and phone calls at strategic times, letting them know he still cares about and values their friendship. Neil also perseveres in ministry assignments. Often, people assume I am the oil that keeps relationships running smoothly. The truth is, I am more likely to lay a group ministry assignment aside when we encounter opposition. If a snowstorm is predicted, I suggest we call off a meeting, but Neil forges ahead into blinding snow and ice-covered roads. If only one or two others can make it, I am ok with postponing until next week. But Neil thinks of the disappointment someone would suffer if they had been thinking about coming for two years and finally made it to the meeting place, only to discover it was canceled. Neil believes that Jesus would still have gone to the cross if only one person accepted Jesus' gift of forgiveness. That's how much Jesus loves each and every one of us. 

Are you getting impatient? Did Neil make it to Kenya? Hang in there. I'm getting to that, but it wasn't as smooth as boarding the plane in Minneapolis and waking up in Nairobi.

Neil arrived at the MSP airport 4 hours ahead of time for the Amsterdam flight, which was seriously overbooked due to last week's virus software upgrade glitch affecting the scheduling of flights across the globe. Neil did not have a seat assignment when he arrived at the departure gate. Stalled passengers were still trying to find seats to reach their destinations. The Amsterdam flight departed MSP just over an hour behind schedule, arriving in Amsterdam 47 minutes late. Neil's booking allowed only one hour in Amsterdam to make the Nairobi flight. Neil ran down the concourse with his carry-on and satchel to the main hall. Thankfully, an English speaker explained that his departure gate was on the neighboring concourse -- but was at the very end. He made it just in time as his Nairobi flight departed 48 minutes behind schedule. 

Our dear friend Joe Medley was waiting for Neil at the Nairobi airport, and he was brought safely across the city to get a good night's rest. But Neil was full of adrenaline. Neil said he was in the best shape energy-wise he has ever been from an overseas trip. Although I had been struggling with foreboding about the dangers of the riots and the delayed flights, Neil asked me to pray for open doors. He told me not to worry about how God would get him there. God always manages to get him through tough situations. Neil's heart is to keep the doors open for ministry. God does open doors that cannot be shut, but we must have the courage to walk (or run) through them. Neil's last text this evening (Kenya-time) was that a friend was winning their game of cribbage. Even that wasn't dampening Neil's spirit. His next ministry adventure is just beginning.

Neil's prayer request:

  • Open doors for ministry that cannot be shut 
  • Open hearts to receive God's love, demonstrated by Jesus' death on the cross in full payment for their sins.