Serve Gladly -- no Big Men

Maundy Thursday is coming soon. When Neil and I met in a Bible study, the Bible study had a foot washing just before Easter to remember that Jesus taught his disciples to be servants, not lording it over others. 

Neil & Frances taught in some of the other churches in eastern Kenya today. The pastors had been introducing Neil as the mighty prophet of God. If you know Neil -- he hates being elevated to a higher position. We are all part of the body of Christ, and if our role is leadership, we come underneath and support the others in the body, helping them find their freedom in Jesus, and helping them become all that God intended them to become. Today Neil taught on the subject of "There are no Big Men in God's Kingdom." Then Neil washed feet. I guess it was the first time they had seen a white person washing black peoples' feet. Neil said that ended them giving him a title, and hopefully it will help them drop the titles they have been giving each other.

Today they prayed for 10 people for healing and 3 for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Because of witchcraft in the area, they have also prayed for people for demon deliverance. That may sound strange to those of us in the USA, but casting out demons was a regular part of Jesus' ministry as the captives Satan had kept bound were set free. The African Christians have had more experience than Neil in demon deliverance, so they sort of gently push Neil aside as they step in and speak with the authority of Jesus, and the demons do flee. Neil said it can be rather graphic at times.

People have been taking care of Neil. The women are used to serving. The women prepare food for them at the church and then carry it about half a mile to where Neil and Francis are staying. Today Francis washed Neil's clothes for him. Neil said he and Francis have no disagreement on how to wash clothes. When I travel with Neil, I always want the darks separated from the whites. Neil likes to just throw all the clothes together and get the job done quickly. Washing clothes was the only thing Neil and I saw differently when we traveled together. Maybe I was a little bound up in that area. :)

Thank you to those who saw the plea for gas and prayed for Neil. He had begun thinking they might be sleeping out in the van somewhere stranded in the bush tonight. Neil just sent a text update on the gas shortage: today the President of Kenya announced that he was opening up the sale of gas again in Kenya. Praise God! That was an instant answer to your prayers! God knew the need and was answering before we even asked! This means that Francis and Neil can visit another church tomorrow where they need to take a ferry from Mombasa. The church is in Mtwongwe. Neil says he will finally get to see the Indian Ocean. This is the 3rd year he has been within just a few miles of it.

Tonight there is a gentle breeze and the temperature is around 75 F. Neil is at peace and rest after a few days of intensive ministry. Your prayers make such an amazing difference! Thank you so much!


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